HIV/AIDS Skepticism

Pointing to evidence that HIV is not the necessary and sufficient cause of AIDS

Archive for May, 2014

“HIV-positive” and healthy without antiretroviral drugs

Posted by Henry Bauer on 2014/05/30


A film by Andi Reiss and Joan Shenton

Positive Hell is the story of five individuals who have defied their doctors and lived on for nearly thirty years with a diagnosis of death. The film highlights a network of people diagnosed HIV Positive in the province of Galicia in Northern Spain.

Some of them, like physician Dr Manuel Garrido, have never taken any antiviral drugs. He’s been swimming against the tide of medical orthodoxy for three decades.

Raquel has had two children who are fit and well and are HIV negative and her husband, Pablo is also HIV negative.

Others like Manoel took antivirals for a while and found they made him feel so ill he stopped taking them. How can this be? Haven’t we been told that everybody who tests positive is sure to die? Dothese people have a special magic gene that protects them against HIV? Or could it be that this death sentence has been mistaken all along?

The five protagonists describe their struggle to survive when faced with a death sentence, their experiences as social pariahs, their battles with doctors and the medical orthodoxy and their absolute conviction that the science behind AIDS is cruelly wrong.

Posted in Alternative AIDS treatments, antiretroviral drugs, HIV does not cause AIDS | Tagged: , , , | 7 Comments »

Mainstream tiptoes toward intestinal dysbiosis theory of “HIV”

Posted by Henry Bauer on 2014/05/24

“Fixing leaks in the gut may stall progression of HIV”, reports the New Scientist, pointing to “the first direct proof that microbes that leave the gut and travel to the rest of the body — a process called microbial translocation — is the mechanism that triggers . . . health complication in people with HIV. Chronic activation of the immune system and inflammation are key triggers for the development of AIDS in many people with HIV, even if they are doing well on anti-retroviral drugs. That’s because these immune responses in turn trigger a constellation of diseases normally associating with ageing, such as cardiovascular disease.

. . . .
Earlier research found that people with HIV who had a leakier gut were more likely to die . . . .”.

All that remains is for the mainstream to realize that it is not “HIV” that causes the leaky gut, “HIV” is simply a biomarker for leaky gut.

[The Journal reference given in the New Scientist article, Journal of Clinical Investigation, DOI: 10.1172/JCI75090, seems to be incorrect. My library delivered for that DOI a not particularly pertinent article: Antignano et al., Methyltransferase G9A regulates T cell differentiation during murine intestinal inflammation, Journal of Clinical Investigation 124.5 (May 2014) 1945-55].

For more about intestinal dysbiosis and HIV/AIDS, see
Mainstream discovers that “HIV” = intestinal dysbiosis (2013/07/11); A **CURE** for AIDS (2011/07/18); Intestinal dysbiosis: more and more confirmations (2011/05/24); Intestinal dysbiosis theory confirmed (2011/04/28); HAART denialism, contd. (2010/12/06); Intestinal Dysbiosis theory confirmed (2010/11/05); Same old, same old ignorance and idiocies (2010/03/13); Must read  (2010/02/12); Why pregnant women tend to test “HIV-positive” (2009/10/05 ); More MAINSTREAM ALTERNATIVE treatment for “HIV/AIDS” (2009/09/28); “HIV” and illness: Which comes first? (2009/07/23); Nobel Prize Citation for “HIV” “Discovery”: Errors and Deficiencies (2008/10/16);
HAART saves lives — but doesn’t prolong them!? (2008/09/17 ); UPDATE: MORE SPONTANEOUS SEROREVERSION (2008/05/23); UNRAVELING HIV/AIDS (2008/03/08); AIDS AS INTESTINAL DYSBIOSIS (2008/02/23); What really caused AIDS: Slicing through the Gordian Knot (2008/02/20).

Posted in HIV does not cause AIDS, HIV skepticism | Tagged: | 22 Comments »

More reviews of DOGMATISM book

Posted by Henry Bauer on 2014/05/22

Two substantial reviews offering much room for further thought have just been published of Dogmatism in Science and Medicine: How Dominant Theories Monopolize Research and Stifle the Search for Truth:

Journal of Scientific Exploration, 28 (2014) 142-48, by Donald J. DeGracia
Dogmatism in Science and Medicine (DSM) by Henry H. Bauer is about the corruption of modern science. For practicing scientists it is a disturbing book to read. Medicine is bitter, yet we put up with it to get better. DSM is bitter medicine intended to improve the health of science.
. . . .
Dr. Bauer does a professional, competent, and important job bringing the corruption of modern science into the light. The criticisms offered above do not detract from the fundamental correctness of the picture DSM paints, but instead underscore its seriousness, and the need to further refine the picture. To scoff at DSM or to think it is off-base is merely to reveal that the scoffer is woefully uninformed about the transformations that have occurred in science over the past decades. If one is a practicing scientist, or a concerned citizen of good will, one ignores this book at one’s own peril.

Journal of Scientific Exploration, 28 (2014) 149-52, by Brian Josephson
At the end of this fascinating book, Bauer asks the question: Can 21st century science become trustworthy again? He suggests that change must come from outside the existing institutions, which merely serve to perpetuate knowledge monopolies, but first the need for change must become generally recognized . Possibilities discussed include a Science Court; independent, publicly funded institutions that can assess scientific claims of public importance; and designated funds for non-mainstream research. Something of this nature is clearly needed.




Posted in HIV does not cause AIDS, HIV skepticism, prejudice, uncritical media | Tagged: | 5 Comments »

What’s wrong with HIV/AIDS — and with ideologically determined “science”

Posted by Henry Bauer on 2014/05/22

Donald Miller, cardiac surgeon and now Emeritus Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington (Seattle) has written an excellent critique of HIV=AIDS theory:

Fallacies in Modern Medicine: HIV/AIDS  (15 May 2014)

The venue, Lew Rockwell’s website, might be described as right-leaning libertarian: it advertises itself as “anti-state — anti-war — pro-market”. That HIV/AIDS dissidence can find an outlet virtually only in right-leaning places illustrates the sorry state of political-ideological division that shows no signs of ameliorating.
The same situation bedevils public discourse about “global warming” or “climate change”. Conservative-leaning media and groups and individuals seem almost always to be “denialists” on HIV/AIDS and global warming, whereas progressive-leaning media and groups and individuals seem almost always to regard HIV=AIDS and human-caused “climate change” as established fact, even as the plain evidence demonstrates that they are not established facts; see “A politically liberal global-warming skeptic?”  and “The Case against HIV”  (or for book-length treatment, Dogmatism in Science and Medicine).

These circumstances add to the characteristic loneliness of any position that lies between two extreme beliefs. My own sociopolitical leanings fit much better with MSNBC than with Fox News, but I can’t watch MSNBC without cringing whenever global warming or HIV/AIDS is mentioned, as individuals who have no familiarity with the actual evidence rant against us “denialists”.
I’ve also never stopped thinking of myself as science-trained, and have never lost my wonder and awe, that human beings have managed to gain so much evidence-based, science-mediated understanding of the natural world. So I cringe also when “scientific experts” hold forth about “the established fact” of HIV=AIDS or human-caused global warming. Or when President Obama declaims with full conviction about the necessity of combating climate change following indoctrination by his doctrinaire Science Advisor. Scientists (and “experts” generally) who abuse their expertise to propagandize their own beliefs instead of purveying summaries of the range of professional opinion are traitors to their profession.

The global news is replete with descriptions of warring groups of human beings killing one another over apparently irresolvable divisions of ethnicity or religion or political ideology, when it is so obvious to outsiders that all sides would benefit from compromises grounded in available evidence of what makes for sustainable, peaceful, human living.
It’s a great sadness that in the most advanced societies, in which science and technology have gained the most ground, such major issues as HIV/AIDS and global warming have become faiths that distort the facts just as egregiously as traditional religions so often have done.

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Architecture against HIV/AIDS

Posted by Henry Bauer on 2014/05/13

“Using architecture to consider HIV transmission”  could easily be taken as a hoax or a satire, even though it seems to be intended seriously as it discusses how a planned environment could bring HIV to contemporary attention and help with education for prevention.

The temptation to class this as hoax or satire is heightened by text reminiscent of Alan Sokal’s hoax of post-modernist discourse *:
“Architecture is constantly inventing, reinventing, denying, or embracing the notion of crisis. Whether it is a crisis of professional identity, social responsibility, or representation every moment of stagnation is multiplied by the speed of the world in which we live. . . . While architecture is used to bring HIV into focus, it steps back and acts as a canvas instead of the subject”.
Yet anyone with experience of architects would understand that there is nothing satirical or hoaxed about this stuff: some aspects and members of the profession of architecture display a naïvely arrogant hubris and airy-fairy approach coupled with a high degree of practical incompetence. A few reports from first hand:

When I was Dean of a College of Arts & Sciences that included such typical departments as philosophy, history, and sociology as well as music, art, and theater arts, I was taken aback to find that the College of Architecture believed it could teach any and all of those subjects to its majors not only as well as our specialists could but even better, given that Architecture is “interdisciplinary”, one might even say meta-disciplinary or metaphysical.
I was perhaps even more taken aback to discover that engineering or building construction was not regarded as an important feature of the Architecture curriculum. Such prosaic details as how to build solid structures of appropriate materials, with good ventilation, heat-exchange properties, and the like, are the concern of engineering companies, not architectural firms. Perhaps that should not have surprised me, since I had already experienced in Sydney (Australia) a Chemistry Building whose windows were constructed in the glass-and-aluminium cladding that was then the fad. That building, had to be modified as soon as it was occupied because it was totally unsuited to the climate: it became unbearably hot under the normal sun. The solution was to add huge sun-blocking panels that are eyesores and also make artificial lighting necessary.


 Still, perhaps Melbourne’s experience had been somewhat worse, where a tall building in the city periodically shed part of its fashionable cladding with a certain amount of danger to the streets below.

A couple more illustrations of such occasional architectural incompetence:
In Australia I had become well acquainted with a practicing architect, I’ll call him Dennis, who happened to be rather down-to-earth and who shared with me a couple of interesting stories.
An architect well known to Dennis once confessed to him that he had made a little blunder when designing a personal house for a client: He forgot to put a front entrance in the construction plan for the building contractors. The client went almost daily to see how construction was progressing, and by the time the outside brickwork was close to finished, he noted the absence of a front door, and asked his architect about that. Dennis’s friend displayed sorely needed intellectual brilliance: He explained to the client that he had come to believe that a house’s structure was stronger if the walls were fully completed before a hole was broken open for the outside doors.

The Sydney Opera House is rightly world-famous for its design of sail-like roofs on the shores of the magnificent harbor. Not widely publicized is that the initial cost estimate of about AUS£3.5 million had been exceeded about 15-fold at ~AUS£50 million. Dennis explained to me that entries in international architectural competitions, like that held for the Opera House, are judged by panels of architects on the basis of sketches of the proposed building and supporting text that does not go into details of how the structure might actually be built. Nothing like those sails had ever been built, and the engineering firm engaged to do it could not find a way to accomplish the original shapes. So almost everything about the original sketch had to be later changed, including the size of the main hall, acoustic features, building materials . . . . Hence construction took much longer than originally estimated, the design-wining architect was fired and replaced, and the cost became ever-so-much greater.
But all’s well that ends well. The Opera House now works well, and in a certain sense the Opera House cost nothing, because it was funded by the proceeds of lotteries established by the government for that particular purpose. Gambling has long been an honored Australian pastime, and the Opera-House Lottery didn’t even cut into the proceeds from the other, longer-established twice-weekly government lotteries.

* Alan Sokal, “Transgressing the boundaries: toward a transformative hermeneutics of quantum gravity”, Social Text 46/47, 14 (Spring/Summer 1996) 217-50; Alan Sokal, “A physicist experiments with cultural studies”, Lingua Franca, May/June 1996, 62-4; see also Janny Scott, “Postmodern gravity deconstructed, slyly”, New York Times, 18 May 1996, pp. A1,22; Alan Sokal, Beyond the Hoax: Science, Philosophy and Culture (Oxford University Press, 2009); Alan Sokal & Jean Bricmont, Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals’ Abuse of Science (Picador, 1999); The Sokal Hoax: The Sham That Shook the Academy by The editors of Lingua Franca (Bison Books, 2000)

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